self introduction

 Hello, I am Rana Chounabayashi. I want to tell you about me.

I have a cat. It names Fab. It is so cute. I play with my cat every day.  I like it very well. It's so cute that I take a lot of  If you have cats, I want to talk about them.          

This is a picture of a cat wearing a costume. Isn't it so cute?

I have a mother, a father, and a twin sister. My sister lives in Tokyo now, but I lived with her until high school. I get in touch with my sister almost every day. I think I'm on good terms with my I share a common hobby with my sister.That's an idol. I often go to concerts with her.

My hobby is to go to a trip. In now, it is difficult to go many places, so I want the corona to disappear soon. The place I want to go the most right now is Kanazawa.

Thank you for reading. I want to talk with you a lot.


  1. I want the corona virus to disappear and the day to come that we can go to a trip!

  2. Shou Sakamoto
    What is your favorite place you have traveled ?

  3. Fab is very pretty♡ The costumes look great on her.


