high school friends

 It is been a long time since I met high school friends. I had a lot of fun.

First, we premed to eat dinner. we wanted to go to a fancy restaurant, but we have little money. So we resigned, we went to Saizeriya.... there is so reasonable but yummy. I wonder why it is so delicious? I thanked the restaurant. lol

After ate dinner, we went to Starbucks. I drank gingerbread latte! It is on sale for a limited time. It was so delicious. One of my friends did not drink because she did not have money. She put up with lemon tea in a plastic bottle. lol

 I did not want to go home because I did not want to leave my friends. I want to meet again.


  1. Only high school friends won!!

  2. I drunk holiday menu too !It was delicious…

  3. I think if you put up with going to Starbucks, you went to a fancy restaurant. lol


