My special artifact


My artifact is a Vanity dresser.

It is made of wood.Therefore, it is brown overall. Furthermore, it is about 150 centimeters tall. It has a lot of storage. You can store a lot of them there. For example, accessories, perfume,cosmetics and so on.

It has a big mirror. The mirror can reflect the whole human body.  Also, It has a lamp. The color is white. It can illuminate the surroundings.

The seat of the chair is made of cloth. The desk is covered with glass.

It is as heavy as a human. 

My mother gave it to me two years ago. I became interested in makeup two years ago and she gave it to me as a present. It was her property. I have always wanted it. 

I asked her “I want to use this Vanity dresser”, and she answered 

“ok, give it to you”.

 I said “Thank you so much!” 

First, I was very surprised that she gave me this, but I was so happy. I like it because it is so beautiful and easy to use. 

Before I got it, I used a small mirror and a small desk to put on makeup. It was very difficult to do. Also the accessories were a mess.Thanks to this dresser, I store cosmetics, accessories and perfumes there. I use it every morning. I sit in the chair for about 30 minutes every morning in order to put on makeup. 

I think this Vanity dresser will be handed down in the future because it is very strong.


In recent years, deforestation has become a problem.  Forests absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.

It is said that if deforestation increases greenhouse gas emissions and global warming progresses, heavy rains and floods are likely to occur. Also, deforestation increases the risk of secondary disasters such as landslides.

Deforestation causes not only the above environmental problems but also social problems in society.

There are about 1.6 billion people in the world who are said to depend on forests for their living.The loss of forests is a cause for concern for their poverty.

I think that we should refrain from using paper as much as possible to solve this problem.

It has long been defined that makeup is done by women, but in recent years it is common for men to put on makeup.However, some people still think that men are opposed to wearing makeup. This is cultural discrimination. 

In recent years, the number of genderless men has increased, and the environment has become easier for men to put on makeup. It also leads to the spread of diverse ideas. In a few more years, it will be natural for men to put on makeup. I think we should affirm that. I hope for a gender- equal relationship.

